Monday, February 16, 2009

Something Old Sunday: The Legion of goblins.

Yeaah, I know, I know, but it's Sunday somewhere right?

It's... not?

Oh.  Well, I'm sure if we got the Tardis involved, it *could* be.

Got eaten by school.  It happens from time to time.  So, I didn't want to not post *anything* so I'm just going to put up a few pictures, and I'll come back and talk about them later.

So there are four goblins, two with swords, one with a dagger, and one with a shortbow/quiver.  I meant to add arrows later but never did.  They don't have names!  Hmm... I need a set of four names... all I can think of is Leo, Donnie, Raph, and Mikey.  But these goblins are not nearly cool enough for that.

Here they are, there are five individual shots because I took a behind shot of the archer to show the quiver:

Goblin Legion 01

Goblin Legion 02

Goblin Legion 03

Goblin Legion 04a

Goblin Legion 04b

And as a group:

Goblin Legion Group

Yeah I probably didn't need the flash on for that one.

You can see that these were made before I started using proper wire frames for things.  They've got an ogre buddy who's even the worse for wear, but he'll come in another post.  You can see I was having a bit of fun experimenting with different face types I could get made.  They're also not painted.  Nothing is!  Some day I am going to have a big painting day, but it has not come.



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