Friday, September 18, 2009

Long time no post

Not being very good about posting my projects, am I?

Alrighty, well here's some sculpey stuff I'm working on at the moment:
September sculpey set

Clockwise from the top left this is Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Castiel from Supernatural, and Dean's pendant that he wears - also from Supernatural. For once I'm not sculpting stuff for D&D! I wanted to try my hand at cell phone charms. I like how Castiel turned out but I'm a bit worried about him breaking - he has a lot of little pieces. I did a better job of simplifying Toph so as to hopefully be fairly durable - but I forgot to set the wire in to attach her with so she's going to just be a pretty little desk ornament. She's cute, but I think I still need to work on the balance between detail and durability... something between these two is probably best.

Dean's Pendant

This is WIP of Dean's pendant on Supernatural... which is kind of funny that I'm working on this at the moment because in last night's episode we got some new information about it. I found a picture somewhere of a recreation... so this being a recreation of a recreation I'm not sure how well I've done capturing it. I couldn't find a good screen cap from the show to base it off of.

Also: While you *can* bake sculpey multiple times, and I did do Castiel in several layers, his head being first, I think I may want to keep in mind that baking it too much does change the colour. Castiel's skin-tone and the pendant were made from the same clay, but the pendant was only baked once, whereas Cas's head was baked at least three times.

And to finish off a little photoshopped image of the classic Castiel pose: