Sunday, February 22, 2009

Something old Sunday #3: 'Teeny' Origami Dragon

4"x0.5" yellow origami paper
Design by Joseph Wu. Modified because I made it so small, some bits are simplified.

I made this guy in 2005 - such a long time ago now!  I figured it was around about time I posted something non-sculpey on this site... and this was the first thing that came to mind that I knew where to find a picture of.

It is Very Small.

I have this thing where I tend to make things small.  With origami, after I figure out a pattern I always end up reducing it - or for simpler patterns making it small to start with.

Not this pattern - I've littered several desks of friends, family, and coworkers with bigger versions of this guy.  People got tired of little tiny cranes everywhere... these take longer and are a bit different from what you'd normally see to boot.

Now... this is proof that apparently I *used to* know how to take a picture, if you look at the nice one above, I apparently set the dragon up with some sparkly seed beads to act as the dragon's hoard.


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