I am a crafter. A chronic crafter. And I'm also a geek. Quite often, these two dominant qualities of mine intersect. After all, what's more fun than indulging TWO of your favorite things at once? So this blog will be things I make - pictures and explanations. I guess if anybody's interested I'll consider doing a few tutorials.
I also plan on posting links to things *other people* have made, that I think are cool. Or things that inspire me. Or just really interesting geeky things.
Wow, that sort of tapered out, eh?
Um. I'm Canadian. I'm almost done my business degree, after which I hope to find gainful employment, so I have more time to make crafts, and more money to supply my craft stash.
Geeky things I'm into and you'll probably see referenced? Well, a lot, but here's some of the main ones: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Dungeons and Dragons, Avatar the Last Airbender, Disney, videogames (would it really surprise you if I mentioned a company called Blizzard?), Star Wars, Star Trek, The Sword of Truth books, english literature, many more fantasy and science fiction series.
What sorts of crafts? Again, I'm into a lot of different things. Sort of like, broad but not deep, I'm intensely curious and I love to learn about new things, so as a result I've either tried or plan to try almost everything, but I wouldn't call myself expert at anything. Lately however I've mostly been doing knitting, crocheting, and sculpting with polymer clay.
Well, I hope that's been even moderately helpful.
~Kerry aka jtptan
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